Catherine Keng is part of Metro TV’s groundbreaking “Metro Xin Wen” team, the country’s first daily Mandarin language television program. As one of the team’s anchors, Keng helps provide an important source of information for Indonesia’s sizeable Chinese community. She also serves as Metro TV’s assistant to the general manager of marketing.
In August 2005, Keng reported on the signing of the peace agreement between the Aceh Independence Movement (GAM) and the Indonesian government. She interviewed all presidential candidates in the 2004 election. Her one-on-one interviews include Ma Ying Jeow, leader of Taiwan’s opposition political party, and Hong Kong superstar actor Jackie Chan.
Keng joined Metro in September 2000. Prior to that, she was an English-language lecturer in university and high school classes. She was born in Jakarta and holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Atma Jaya Catholic University in Jakarta. She speaks Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia and English.
Luna began her career as a model. She went into the role of film in 2004 by "30 Hari Mencari Cinta". In the movie, Luna Maya served as Barbara, a beautiful girl who became nan sexy dream man.This is the first role as an antagonist Luna.
Successful play a role in Barbara, Luna Maya was involved in the film again Brownies in 2005. In the film director Hanung Bramantyo it, Luna had a small role. Luna's first role as the main character is as Mina in Ward 13 in the same year.
The name Luna increasingly rising in the entertainment universe Indonesia, after he play a role in the film Love Silver and gossip related to love with Ariel, Peterpan band vocalist. After the wedding Ariel, not to mention Luna reportedly close to another person.
During his career, Luna Maya has starred in several films, such as Brownies, Love Silver, Room, Ward 13, Jakarta Undercover, 30 Hari Mencari Cinta, Message From Heaven and many more. Some soap operas she played among others, Dan, You and I, There's Love, Secret, Anggun, Light of Heaven, Sujudku, Yasmin, and the Goddess TV show on Astro Subscription End of Love.
Luna Maya, also starred in several advertising products such as Lux, Zestea, Sarimie, Vitalong C, XL, and Mrs. Cream detergent.
A series of accomplishments achieved by Luna Maya made it selected as one of the torchbearers in the Olympics in 2008. Not only the world's role model and they work at the Luna Maya. Joint and Sandra Dewi, Dewi Sandra, Luna Maya contribute their voice in the Euro 2008 theme song titled Play.
Realizing that his career in the entertainment world can not be relied upon forever, Luna began to study business. He opened a boutique named LM for Hardware in Bandung and Jakarta.Recently, Luna launch Lounge / Cafe named Envy in Bandung.
Although the time exposed to bad news, because of his name dicatut on one porn site in early 2009, Luna was not discouraged. Instead, he increasingly expanded his career by being a music presenter with Olga Syahputra Strikes and Raffi Ahmad Luna further strengthened its position as the biggest-selling artist until now.
After his collaboration with Sandra Dewi and Dewi Sandra, Luna returned to the collaboration, this time with Dide, Green Leaves vocalist. They sang songs sound (I hope) that Leaf Green's re-arranged in dangdut version. The song became the soundtrack for the latest movie Luna, Janda Kembang. Then Luna also contributed a song titled Towards surgamu religious work that in fact Nature Urbach a non-Muslim. In addition, Luna also expanded in the field direction with directed a short indie film titled Sacred And The City and the new single video singer Luna Dhea Ananda which also acted as producer for his new album. Today, Luna Maya is also intended for producing a band.
Popularity Luna Luna increasingly evident when creating an account of the most popular pages today Twitter. Only a short time, Luna has collected more than a hundred thousand follower.
Name: Sandra Dewi
Age: 24
Hometown: Bangka - Jakarta
Schools (Other): SD St. Theresa I, SMP St. Theresa I, SMUK St. Yosef, London School Of Public Relations
Hobbies and Interests: ngobrol, ngumpul, makan, shopping, nonton, Sushi, and Photo2 ama teman2
Favorite Books: Powershot Canon G7 Manual Book..
Favorite Movies: Shrek, The Simpson's
Favorite Music: Slow, Down Tempo...
Favorite TV Shows: Discovery Travel & Living...Cartoon's :)
Zodiac Sign: Leo
About Me: sulit jatuh cinta tapi kalo udah jatuh cinta..dalemmm..=) murah senyum, ketemu temen2 yg rame, males olah raga and..hmmm...pemaaf
Who I Want to Meet: Jesus Christ, Bunda Maria, Malaikat Mikael, Gabriel, Rafael, Keanu Reeves, Adjie Massaid, Shania Twain, and my Bestfriend Yulia/Mariata..
Achieved as the most sexy woman number three in the whole world would be a moment of pride for the Magdalena. However, the virgin who was awarded the title by adult men's magazine FHM, the August 2008 issue of the past, confess not easy to deal with sexy image itself.
"Weight's, I think a little heavy. Getting something is easy but maintaining it was not that easy, so should you trust them. As well might as difficult to maintain," he said.
Furthermore, the virgin who played in movies such SI JAGO MERAH admitted if he was exercising regularly to maintain appearance.
"If it looks yes, but adequate rest, drink lots of water. Interspersed as sports, jogging, and swimming," he explained. found in the studio Cawang, quiz, East Jakarta, Friday (4 / 9), actress Lena familiarly called also admitted not really force myself to always look sexy.
"The weight's not yes, Lena relaxed person wrote. So yes life is very exciting, relaxed and brought brought good aja," he concluded.
In FHM (For Him Magazine) August 2008 issue of these, Magdalena under Transformers star, Megan Fox and British models.